Thursday, 2 May 2013

Simon Cowell Defends Having Professionals On BGT

Music mogul Simon Cowell has taken to Twitter to hit out at critics who have been complaining about the amount of “professional” acts appearing on Britains got talent this year.
His rant comes after it emerged that performers such as impressionist Francine Lewis and CEO Dancers have already had careers in the spotlight; the latter of whom has even toured with Rita Ora and Labrinth the past.
On Sunday, after the who-ha kicked off, Simon told his followers:
‘We have had some stick regarding so called established stars appearing on BGT this year.’
‘We try and have a no rules policy on the show. Everyone who auditions is either looking for a break or a second chance.
‘Would it be right to say to someone who has appeared on a show before you can’t audition? The reason we always let the public vote is they can decide who they want to win.’
He later added: ‘I am not whining. Simply wanted to explain there is no hush hush plot. I just think everyone deserves a second chance.’
‘I believe Susan Boyle had appeared on another TV show years ago. Nothing happened. BGT gave her another go. Is that wrong?’
Simon was forced to take to the social networking site to defend the show last week too after singer Alice Fredenham was accused of faking her stage fright.
The accusations came after a super confident Fredenham was seen auditioning for The Voice on the same week but unfortunately didn’t get through.
”Alice fredenham on the voice tonight. Confident and hopeful. Nobody turned round,” he wrote. ”Alice on bgt. She simply lost her confidence after that reaction and she did sound better on BGT.” "But to call her a fake is unfair. I was there. She was terrified. And now I understand why. (sic) "

-Momo :3

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