Friday, 3 May 2013


With the threat of an arrest looming over her ginger head, Lindsay Lohan thought it might be wise to check herself into rehab pronto. So she did.
  A short time ago, the troubled star admitted herself to the Betty Ford clinic having previously walked out of a facility in Newport, California on the grounds that it was: “not a licensed residential drug-treatment centre” – or at least that’s the official line from her lawyers anyway.
Unofficially she was heard whining before entering the clinic, saying: “I don’t need rehab, I don’t need rehab, I don’t need rehab”
Alas all is now well as the good people at the Betty Ford Clinic in Palm Springs have welcomed her with open arms for her court ordered 90 day stay but they better take care of those arms; the last time the actress stayed at the same facility back in 2010 she got involved in an altercation with a staff nurse after getting in 10 minutes after her curfew during which she allegedly assaulted said nurse.
Of course it hasn’t taken long for Michael Lohan to call up the press and confirm that his daughter’s now safely tucked up in rehab. He claims she sent him the following text:
“Yes, daddy I’m OK, just annoyed by this happening I really want to go to treatment and, of course, something has to go wrong…I want to go to Hawaii or Antigua.”
Says it all really doesn’t it?

-Momo :3

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