Sunday, 5 May 2013

Hollywood Happenings: Justin Bieber stops gig for Muslim call to prayer, Paris Hilton takes subtle swipe at Lindsay Lohan

Hollywood is suddenly feeling very respectful, just ask Justin Bieber and Paris Hilton.
The pair seem to have toned down their wild behavior perhaps in an effort to clean up their act.
The Christian pop star was performing at the ITU Stadium in Istanbul, Turkey on Thursday when he stopped his show several times to allow fans to take part in the Muslim call to prayer,
Folks in the country step away for Azan, or Adhan five time a day and fans praised him on Twitter for acknowledging it.
“Justin Bieber stopped his concert twice in Turkey before the azaan so people can go pray. Alhumdulilah, I’ve got respect for this guy now,” said user @taznin_.
Meanwhile @ hudabeauty said: “I have MAD respect for Justin Bieber for stopping his performance in Turkey during prayer, twice. #RESPECT.”
And @maysoonzayid wrote: ‘Arab artists DON’T stop there shows…Go Justin.”
Now all he needs to do is quit the foul language and stop getting into trouble with his cars and neighbours, oh yeah wasn’t weed foundon his tour bus the other day?
Got a long way to go yet Biebs.
Another star who has suddenly changed her tune is Paris Hilton who cleverly avoided dissing her old pal Lindsay Lohan.
Paris Hilton appeared on Thursday night’s Late Show with David Letterman show where Dave asked what’s going on with LiLo’s loopy life.
After she flouted the law many a time with her various car offenses, leading to rehab and jail, Paris managed to avoid offending the star by um… saying her family is simply better than Lindsay’s.
“Yeah, I think it all comes down to your family,” she said about the ginger who she once called “Firecrotch”.
“I’m very lucky to have such an amazing family — I think some people aren’t that fortunate,” she said.
Paris, 32, isn’t so much a pal of the 26-year-old’s now she is loved up with 21-year-old beau River Viiperi.
The blonde diplomatically commented: “I haven’t seen her in a while, but I wish her the best. I always like to be nice about everyone …
I don’t want to cause any drama … I wish her the best.”

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